New radar sensor developed for the waste sector will be presented in Munich at IFAT, one of the world's leading trade fairs for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management

New Radar Sensor for Waste Management Presented at IFAT Munich

Maacks at IFAT 30.5 – 3.6.2022. Stand: A5.521

Thanks to the new radar technology, waste companies will no longer have to chase half-empty waste containers. The BrainyBins technology digitalises and streamlines waste management and reduces vehicle distances by up to 50%. It’s good for the environment – and makes for happy citizens too.

Danish company Maacks, experts in dynamic route planning and recycling site management, will present their new radar-based BrainyBins sensor installed in waste containers for the first time at the international IFAT trade fair, which is held in Munich in late May and early June. The solution has already been installed by several Danish municipalities.

The BrainyBins sensor is a so-called ‘fill level sensor’, which records how much waste is in the waste container and reports back when the container needs to be emptied.

“The emptying frequency for waste containers in public spaces can be cut by 50% with a BrainyBins sensor, because the emptying is computerised and only takes place when necessary.”

“This technology has enormous potential because it can help waste companies to streamline the emptying of their waste containers and make it easier to fulfil the SmartCity visions of a green profile and circular economy.”

Hans Christian Pedersen, Managing Director at Maacks

Unique radar technology is both precise and robust

The BrainyBins sensor is based on radar technology which is precise and measures the actual fullness of the container. The use of radar technology is a unique approach within the waste sector, and a patent application has been submitted for the solution. This is the same technology that is used in cars which quickly and precisely detects obstacles in the road.

The BrainyBins sensor is installed in the top part of the waste container and is made of very robust materials. The use of radar technology means that there are no issues with lenses becoming dirty or “false” notifications of fullness due to pizza boxes, for example. The sensor continuously transmits data on fullness levels wirelessly via the cloud.

Dynamic route planning optimises waste collection

The radar sensor is the “main outpost” of the complete BrainyBins system, which also includes a management module. Thanks to the sensors and management software, waste companies can optimise emptying times and automate route planning based on the actual fullness level or a forecast for when the containers will be full, automatically prepared by BrainyBins.

Waste collection can therefore be planned more rationally and employees can save precious time because the level of fullness and type of waste container are known in advance. Experience has shown that emptying frequency in municipalities can be reduced by up to 50%.

Easily accessible via PC or App

The BrainyBins system is a management system developed in close collaboration with the Danish waste sector over many years. The management module is easily accessible via a PC or an app and has been developed with modules that automatically optimise waste collection and advise drivers or delivery supervisors on impending emptyings. CO2 emissions can therefore be reduced, and employees can be released to perform other tasks.

This also provides a significantly better experience for citizens, as issues with overfilled rubbish bins and overflowing waste can largely be eliminated.

The BrainyBins statistics section gives an overview of waste management, as well as easy reporting to the environmental authorities. It also facilitates case handling in connection with complaints from citizens, as it provides comprehensive data for use in connection with any complaints.

Aimed at those looking to streamline the sector

BrainyBins’ target group includes waste companies, municipal authorities, theme parks, road authorities, etc. – in other words, anyone who is looking to streamline and automate waste container management.

BrainyBins helps to realise ambitious goals within the framework of goals 11, 12 and 13 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which include the creation of sustainable cities and local communities, as well as responsible consumption and production.

BrainyBins has already been successfully installed by a number of Danish waste companies and municipalities. Maacks is therefore looking forward to meeting potential customers at IFAT.

“We have high expectations for IFAT, because the BrainyBins sensor could achieve an international breakthrough at the exhibition. Our technology is cutting-edge and robust, and the green transition and CO2 reductions are high on the agenda in many countries. There is an urgent need to digitalise and streamline the waste sector.”

Hans Christian Pedersen

About Maacks

Maacks ApS is a Danish technology and software company which specialises in the development of solutions for the control and management of waste containers as well as civic amenity sites and recycling points.

Maacks’ overall vision is to be part of creating a greener future - via the intelligent use of technology and data to ensure efficient collection and management of recycling and waste.

Maacks is a leading supplier which delivers to more than half of Denmark’s supply and waste companies.

The company’s solutions include the BrainyBins software system for the control and management of waste containers and civic amenity sites, as well as a number of sensor types which are installed in waste containers and record fullness levels, temperature, location, etc. The system has been developed in collaboration with Danish supply and waste companies.

Further information

Torben Østerby, Strategic Sales Director, Maacks ApS
Mobil + 45 4243 6011

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